Therefore, it is of great practical significance to carefully define the meaning, to fully understand the necessity, and to explore ways of legal professional ethics education in the university. 因此,认真界定法律职业道德教育的内涵以及充分认识高校法学教育中法律职业道德教育的必要性,探索法律职业道德教育的途径具有非常重要的现实意义。
Research of the Principle of Good Faith of Contract Law from the Legal Ethics Standpoint 伦理学视域下的合同法诚实信用原则研究
Its success is beginning to scare a lot of companies, including media companies, says Kevin werbach, Professor of legal studies and business ethics at the Wharton Business School. 沃顿商学院(whartonbusinessschool)法学和企业伦理学教授凯文沃巴赫(kevinwerbach)表示,谷歌的成功开始让包括传媒公司在内的许多公司感到惊恐。
But due to legal absence, ethics fall, the hospital Zhigu get considerable returns, regardless of its consequences, boosting the "pre-natal paternity test" hot. 但因法律缺位,伦理失守,医院只顾获取回报,而不顾其后果,助推了“产前亲子鉴定”热。
The points at issue in the relations are religious expression at public places, religious activities in public schools, the conflicts of religious belief with legal provisions and social ethics, etc. 近年来,美国政教关系的热点主要体现在公共场所的宗教表达、公立学校中的宗教活动、宗教信仰与法律规定和社会公德相冲突等问题上。
Is and Ought-to-be& The Possibility of Legal Ethics 实然与应然&法律伦理之可能
Clinical legal education has the value of training one's legal ability and cultivating one's legal ethics. 诊所式法律教育具有训练法律职业技能和培养法律职业伦理的两大价值。
These requirements consist of legal system ethics, judicial subject virtue and social moral supervision. 法律制度伦理包括法律制度设计的伦理基础和法律制度运行的道德要求;
What a legal ethical behavior ought to be can be realized by practice, which is guaranteed by legal ethical conscience, legal ethical reputation and the realization of basic legal ethics. 法律伦理行为之应该经由人们的实践活动可以变为现实,其具体保障在于法律伦理良心、法律伦理名誉及底线法律伦理的法律化。
The legal ethics consists of the interior ethic structure that forms the legal system and the external legal professional behavior ethics that operates the legal system. 法律伦理包括法律制度赖以形成的内在的伦理结构和法律制度得以良好运行的外在的法律职业行为伦理两部分。
We should persist in studying law, applying law and governing law, combine legal education into ideological& ethics education. 要坚持学法和用法、普法和治理相结合;要坚持把法制教育和思想道德教育紧密结合起来;
Thus, the authors have a systematic research on the concept, composition and functions of safety culture, and the safety culture construction in city is discussed from the propaganda and education of safety culture, the legal system, ethics and cultural sectors of the city. 为此,本文对安全文化的概念、构成及功能进行了系统的阐述,并从安全文化的宣传教育、法制建设、道德建设、人文建设等方面探讨了城市安全文化的建设。
On Environmental, Technological and Legal Ethics 论环境伦理、科技伦理与法律伦理
Legal science is an using subject, which pays attention to develop legal thinking, legal language, legal ethics, law gain kowledge, the legal faith and practical ability. 法学是应用性学科,注重法律思维、法律语言、法律伦理、法学知识、法律信仰及实务能力的养成。
A Probe into Legal Guarantee of Economic Ethics Construction 试析经济伦理建设的法制保障
The aim of legal ethics education is to raise the ethic consciousness and develop the ethic reasoning and selecting ability. 法律伦理教育的目的是培养受教育者的伦理问题意识和提升受教育者的伦理推理能力与伦理选择能力。
Practice teaching in law education can constantly promote teachers 'legal literacy, train students' learning initiatively and positively, help students develop their practical abilities, and promote the formation of students 'legal ethics. 实践教学在法学教育中有利于促进教师不断更新法律知识,培养学生学习的主动性和积极性,培养学生的实践能力,促进学生法律职业道德的形成。
Law ethics include institutional ethics contained in the legal system and legal act ethics, namely professional morals, which occurs in the professional activities of the law practitioners. 法律伦理包括蕴含在法律制度中的制度伦理与法律职业者在职业活动中的法律行为伦理即职业道德两部分。
As a sign of clan society, the banner had something to do with power, legal system and ethics. 作为氏族社会之徽帜,中与权力、法制、道德等有关;
Since 20th century the theory of the corporate social responsibility has appeared as an important concept in many domains such as the economic, the legal science, ethics as well as the management study. 公司社会责任是20世纪以来凸现于经济学、法学、伦理学以及管理学等诸多学科领域的一个重要概念。
To Establish Legal System and Ethics of Market Economy 建立市场经济的法律体系和伦理观念
Environment problems are generally due to defending the environmental law, national legal systems and social ethics of behavior. 环境问题一般是由于人类违反环境的自然规律、违反国家的法律制度及政策和违反社会公德的行为所导致的。
Durkheim did not distinguish between social norms systems, such as legal norms, ethics and religious norms. And he therefore did not distinguish between legal, moral, religious and other kinds of social controls. 迪尔凯姆没有区分法律规范、道德规范和宗教规范等社会规范体系,也就因此没有区分法律的社会控制方式、道德的社会控制方式和宗教的社会控制方式等社会控制手段。
As one of typical biotechnology, human reproductive cloning ( HRC) raises legal, science, ethics, philosophy, religion and other areas of controversy. 作为一种典型的生物技术,克隆人引发了包括法律、科学、伦理、哲学、宗教等各个领域的争论。
Human organ transplantation is an important medial technique in the 20th century. With the development of science and technology, it takes many social, legal and ethics problems. 人体器官移植是20世纪以来医学领域中具有伟大意义的一项技术,但是随着该项科技的发展,带来了许多社会、法律、伦理等生命伦理问题。
The application of substantive legal thinking depends not only a good environment of belief of law, but also depends on a strict legal system and professional ethics of the professional community. 实质主义法律思维的运用不仅有赖于一个良好的崇法环境,还有赖于一个严密的法律制度,更有赖于一个具备职业伦理的法律职业共同体。
The rampant "shortcut" phenomenon originated from the anomie of legal system and ethics. 走捷径现象的时有发生,源于法律体系和道德规范的失范。
Must formulate melts a system roentgen physics and chemistry and ethics institution employs two methods to achieve one goal as well as the morality moral character ethics, system ethics and the legal ethics Trinity effective macroscopic countermeasure. 必须制定融制度伦理化与伦理制度化双管齐下以及德性伦理、制度伦理与法律伦理三位一体有效的宏观对策。
Reliance protection is primarily a legally technical method, which aims at improving the stability of the transaction; meanwhile it has no legal ethics requirements. 信赖保护主要是一种旨在提高法律行为交易稳定性的法律技术性手段,信赖保护原则没有法律伦理方面的要求。